The lonely pangs began last night, but rather than put a damper on our last hours together, I pushed through...until now.
I awoke to find Ruth gone. After talking until 4am that morning, she was sweet enough to let me sleep in while she ran down to McD's to get us breakfast. As luck would have it, she got stuck with the "new girl" on the McD crew and rookie got the order wrong. When Ruth got back to our room, she realized that she was mistakenly given someone else's order. So I threw some clothes on and we ran back over there together to get our correct orders --- Rice, Scrambled Eggs, Spam, and Portuguese Sausage --- ONLY in Hawaii. (((McSeriously???)))
After breakfast, I couldn't let Ruth return to the mainland without visiting our favorite store --- ABC --- one final time. LOL So we stopped in for a quick second and turned in our receipts (which totaled over $100 --- so sad) for a free gift. With my new reusable Hawaii bag in tow, we went back up to the hotel to gather Ruth's things, went down to the front desk to check her out, and officially check me in, and wait for her shuttle to the airport
As I waited with her, I was struck with the realization --- I'm blessed with many friends. And I'm always thankful. Going out...hanging out with always fun. But it's very rare to find a good friend you get along well enough to travel with — and not want to commit murder or rather, be minus a friend, by the end of the trip. Ruth was the perfect traveling companion. Over the past 4 days, we seemed to laugh non-stop, we bonded...connected...and there was the underlying commitment to take care of one another while we were away from home. I felt very comfortable and completely unfettered on this trip. And with this thought, I let the pangs of loneliness hit me and I was overcome with sadness because she was leaving.
It was quite a different feeling going back up to the room on my own. Housekeeping had come and gone...taking my rollaway bed with them...and I had the place all to myself. I absently flipped through the TV channels and half thought to just hole myself up in the room until evening. But I had promised Ruth that I wouldn't become a hermit on my last day...that I would venture out --- take the bus or a walk --- and have a bit of an adventure of my own. Being from LA, I'm quite "mentally defective" when it comes to public transportation. I'd spent the last few days telling Ruth that getting on a bus freaks me out because knowing me and my horrible sense of direction, I'll get on the wrong bus and end up on North Shore, when all I wanted to do was go to the mall down the street. LOL
But a promise is a promise...So I channeled my sense of adventure and my determination to make the most of my last day on the island, grabbed my backpack, and decided to take the half mile walk to the park/beach where the Salsa Festival Beach Party was going to be. Incidentally, the Festival was being held at the Prince Kuhio Waikiki --- and Waikiki Beach was literally a block or two away from the hotel. But because they needed the space and a permit for an event for over 100 people, they had to hold the beach party at Ala Moana Beach which was closer to my hotel.
I love discovering little bits of street art --- on the sidewalk I found a spray-painted word "HAPPINESS" and an arrow pointing towards the direction of my hotel.
After about 3 hours, my friend finally woke up and I had to send him on his way back to the Festival. I think he was half expecting me to get ready and share a cab ride with him to the social. But I begged off...wanting to take a nap myself and telling him I'd just see him later on at the festival. Once he was gone and I was on my own again, the exhaustion kicked in. I debated on whether I wanted to get all dressed up and take the bus to the social. The "tiredness" won the battle and I ended up finishing up with my packing, showering and settling in for the night. It was nice to just have some "me" time.
At Midnight, once everything was packed and I had my clothes and things ready for the flight the next day, I set the alarm on my phone, and went to sleep.
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