Wednesday, March 16, 2011

HAWAII-bound | Day One - Flying out!!!

DAY ONE --- 3/16/2011

6:20a - Traffic this early?? REALLY????

6:40a - Tire blows out/shreds on my way to the exit away (La Tijera). Thankfully Freeway Service Patrol spotted me when I hit my hazards and pulled over. I didn't even have to pick up my phone to call.

7:20a - Stressing the hell out. Still on the fwy. The patrol guy couldn't get the bolts off my rim. Three diff trucks showed up. Three service guys and None of them could get it - my wheel key was cracked. :( that's what I get for getting fancy ass rims.

7:35a - Patrol finally decides to tow my car. Alison meets me at the gas station to take me to the airport.

7:45a - Finally at LAX. (Thank you, Alison - for the ride and for helping me stay calm.) Called Dad en route to LAX to deliver an update. He advised me to enjoy my vacation and he'll take care of my car..."Don't worry," he says. THANK YOU, DAD!!! See? I'll ALWAYS need you!

8:00a - Got my bag checked. Two things: 1) Why did I bother to check in online and print my boarding pass yesterday? It didn't get me through any faster. And 2) I thought you could check one bag for free with Hawaiian Air. I was wrong. :( $25 per checked bag. What?!?!? Oh well.

8:15a - Getting through security took a while. Not sure why people raised such a big stink about the body scanners. They weren't a big deal. I have nothing to hide and if a TSA agent is going to get all hot and bothered over an infrared scan of my wobbly bits? More power to him!

8:40a - On board. Last texts to family and friends before takeoff and this phone's going on "airplane mode."

9:00a - Time for takeoff!

9:15a - "Fasten Seat Belt" sign is off. Outta the way!! I've gotta PEE!!!

9:30a - Kids in row behind me kicking my seat. Should I go off? Or consider it "turbulence"? I don't give a F#%*. I'm on my way to Hawaii!

10:00a - Everything costs MONEY! Can't even watch an episode of GLEE w/o paying! Thank God for my iPhone and iPod --- and for one of the few free features on this plane - USB charging ports!!!

10:40a - Complimentary Breakfast Frittata and Blueberry Muffin. Sustenance!!! Yay! I was starving. No time to stop b/c of my car drama this morning.

Food is actually tasty...or maybe I'm just THAT hungry.

10:50a - Note to self: Fly FIRST CLASS someday just to see what it's like.

10:52a - Just added to my "Wish List": a new iPad. Angry Birds looks so cool on it.

If I had a Mac Air, I'd have brought it with me to watch movies. My MacBook is so bloody heavy! But I'm loving my iPhone right now!! #applegadgetsrock

11:02a - 3rd cup of coffee. Only slept 2 hrs last night. I should be knocked out even w/ all this caffeine.

11:34a - I had a major case of GAS. Was trying to chill out and not get up again. Didn't wanna be known as "Bathroom Lady." But the cramps won. Feeling better. Now I can play Angry Birds w/o interruption.

11:38a - 3 hrs, 15 mins to go. That's a LOT of Angry Birds.

So many iPads and mini laptops around me. Looks like me and my iPhone are out of style.

11:50a - Just spoke w/ girl next to me abt her iPad. Wow!!! I really want one now! :) She told me sales tax is about half in Hawaii. Hmmm.........

11:53a - 3 more hours...maybe I should try to sleep for a while.

12:53p - Closed my eyes for roughly an hour. Couldn't fully fall asleep. So tired. Two more hours in the air - about 1,000 miles to go.

12:58p - Lovey-dovey, cuddle-happy couple across the aisle from me is kinda annoying. Wish I was better at recognizing celebs. The guy looks like Hugh Laurie from HOUSE MD...or, a drunken rockstar from some Indie band. Where is Alan when I need him??

Lots of interracial couples on this flight.

1:45p - To the couple sitting in front of annoying cuddlers. HOW did YOU TWO end up together??? #heartwantswhatitwants

Maybe Rocky and Di were right... Perhaps I have to turn into a helpless female to snag a man. I think I've been going about this the wrong way. I'm too strong and independent?? Really?

But wait. I AM helpless. See post from 7:45a.

1:57p - One hour to go. Captain just asked if there was a doctor or RN aboard. Assistance is needed two rows ahead of me (37E)

Oxygen tank just went by.
Hope they're ok.

2:17p - Agriculture Forms. I forgot. Hawaii thinks they're a whole other country.

37 minutes till we land! Woot!!!!

2:26p - Less than 30 mins to go...I can feel our descent. The recycled air is making me sneeze.

Time to turn off electronics!!!

2:54p / 11:54a Hawaii time - We have landed!!!! Woot!!

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