[CONCERT REVIEW — Pop Levi and NIKKA COSTA @ The Roxy | January 20, 2011]
HOLLYWOOD — NIKKA COSTA took to The Roxy stage last Thursday night, delivered her heaviest dose of FUNK to date, and proceeded to blow the roof off the joint. I certainly hope it doesn't rain anytime soon.
Doors opened at 8pm, and I usually make it a point to see the opening bands. But I was carpooling with friends and they were coming from a prior event, so we were running a bit late. Blog postings and the Roxy marquee only mentioned one opening band for the evening, but there was, in fact, two. I was unable to catch the name of Band #1, but there seemed to be about a dozen band members up on stage and the only thing I could decipher as they were exiting stage right was that they were from Rancho Cucamonga. "Big Ups" to the band who made the trek from the 909 to perform in Hollywood. Wish I could have heard ya!
Band #2 --- POP LEVI
Wanna Mama
Blue Honey
Midnight Runaround
Dita Damone
Smack Music
Sugar, Assault Me Now
Remember, Remember
Police Sign
Motorcycle 666
Strawberry Shake

Set List:
Pro*Whoa (new)
Like a Feather
Keep Wanting More
Never Wanna C U Again (new)
Head First (new)
Nylons In A Rip (new)
Push & Pull
Keep Pushin'
Can't Please Everybody
Everybody's Got Their Somethin
Love to Love You Less

It had been almost a year since I'd seen her play. Watching her take the stage at the Roxy was like seeing an old friend walk through the door and as always, she was dressed to the 9s. Decked out in a black, sparkly one-shoulder top with fringe down one sleeve, shiny black skin-tight pants (circa Xanadu) and "So Hot, they're Cool" Silver-strapped 5" heels --- Nikka was luminous! --- As I've said before, Nikka could wear a potato sack and still be hot.

Ms. Costa and the band opened with a brand new song, Pro*Whoa --- and she had me from "Really, my name is Nikka..." For almost 2 hours, she fired missiles at us --- song after song --- and we just "kept wanting more."
She graced us with 4 new songs --- all infused into the setlist seamlessly. I had originally thought the newer material would stick out because they lacked the trademark soul and funk that Nikka usually delivers --- but I couldn't have been more wrong. The songs were definitely different, but they still FIT with her classics. The standout song of the evening was "NYLONS (in a rip)" --- with Nikka and Joshua (?) pounding out a mezmerizing tribal beat on the drums and chanting to the crowd.
Nikka was in a playful mood — flashing her gorgeous smile, talking to the audience in-between songs, and encouraging the crowd to sing along and chant back to her during the show. She seemed joyful and so "at home" --- definitely happy to be with her LA Fans again...and we were happy to have her back.
Samples from her web site be damned, I loved every new song she played...clearly the short slices don't do this new album justice. I stand corrected, Nikka...I will never doubt you again.
Until next time (which I pray is soon)...B Wyld!
CELEB SIGHTING for the evening: Adam Lambert